One of the most obnoxious and frustrating things I have dealt with from people since having my baby, is unwarranted ‘jealousy’. I am not talking about “Wow, I can’t believe how much cuter your baby is than mine.” — Because that would be understandable. *wink*

I am talking about the comments about how easy my baby “is” compared to theirs. They spend an hour with her, sometimes less, and they “know” my baby.

They know how many times a night she wakes up to cry and/or eat.

They know how often she wails for over an hour when we try and put her to bed at night.

They know how simple the task of naps are for her all the time.

They know how often I cry from being overwhelmed.

They know how easy an adjustment I have had as a new momma.

They know that their baby is way harder, and that I never have a reason to vent.

These kind of assumptions make me so pissed. Because, not only are they not necessarily true (they may be for some), they put down my frustrations and struggles as a mother. They make me feel like I shouldn’t feel frustrated ever or ever want to crawl into a hole.

Because, I have an easy baby, so I live on cloud 9 right?

If I watched most babies and their parents for even a day, I would never get a correct representation of what their lives are like all of the time. We need to realize this as mommas. “Never judge a book by a cover” and NEVER judge someone’s life by a small portion of it. When we make assumptions about their lives, either good or bad, we turn those assumptions into comparisons.

Comparisons NEVER make life better. They are “the biggest robbers of joy.”

Don’t let yourself or anyone steal any bit of joy from your life & don’t steal it from others.

We all need as much joy as possible.